Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cathy the Comic on Crack


I scour my blogs friends everyday (I have a weird attachment to them like I personally know them. I'm strange. DUH).  They let me escape my mounting loads of laundry and my tears from stepping on another Little Person or letter magnet. Woooosaaaaa.

Hope you find her funny. She cracks me up. I post this in honor of my friend, Maggie.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And the debate continues....

So, I'm getting worn out from the constant baby name debate. We've been trying to incorporate a family name from my side of the family (thus, "Blake" for "Blakey" - my maiden name) since we used "Robert" for Nash's middle name after Ty's dad's side of the family. However, there aren't a lot of options that really floooooowwww for me. I'm driving my husband crazy. Most people are calling him "Blake" and it drives me nuts. I want to work on some personalized items for the baby's room so I'm thinking we're at the point where it's time to make! a! decision! already!

Blake or Knox? Blake or Knox? Blake or Knox? AHHHH!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Paul Bunyan and his People

A little Spring Break trip... without Mommy! (I'm ok with that.)  The hubbys took my stepson and his friend, Joseph, to Arkansas for 4 days. They had a blast. What pretty scenery! Had to share.

A Mixed Bunch

Have to brag about my kid for a sec: he inhaled his veggies without any of Mommy's cartwheels, high-fives or dancing as encouragement. A little back history... 2 months ago Nash stopped. I mean - stopped. Eating his veggies. He spent the next almost 8 weeks putting me through torture of mixing his veggies into his meals, buying everything on the market that said "fiber" on the label or that was green. Last week a switch went off and wualla! my veggie lover is back. I do not know why... how... this happened. But, I am so grateful and joyous I do not have to food process his veggies and add them to sauces or mixed in quesadillas. Whoop!

**side note: my dslr camera returned from repairs today and this was another reason to snap a shot to make sure it was, in fact, working. Thanks United Camera!

Starting Up

I'm hoping this won't turn into one of my ventures where I eagerly begin with great hopes just to find myself chasing the minutes on the clock to find time to update. Don't lie... you do it too.

Let me begin by stating firmly that I'm neither witty, nor humorous by virtue of a God-given talent, but all I can hope to be is entertaining by way of reality.  By this I mean, those of you who don't know me will find a chuckle... a part of yourself in my everyday nuances, frustrations, and general moments of craziness as a mother and business owner (I'll elaborate on this later).  I do feel like I can provide some great validation for those of you who are similar in ventures (decorating nurseries, birthday party planning, photography dilemmas, etc.),  a little guidance for situations where you don't know where to begin (maybe a helpful link or two) or just some entertainment for those days where surfing the clothing websites (damn you JCREW!) becomes rather, well, hard on the bank account.  My blog is F-R-E-E.

Anyway, here I go... at least until the baby arrives in July... ha!