Antique Brass-looking Elephant Hooks
This project couldn't have been easier. After located some cheap, plastic elephant room decor I decided to paint them metallic gold and rub dark paint on them to create the "vintage" look that I was after in a true brass piece.
First, I found a large box to enclose my over-spray from the spray paint. Since my project wasn't large enough to deal with a drop cloth, ventilation, etc., I was able to isolate my project to an over-sized box, open the one garage and knock it out. I wiped clean the elephants and laid them flat in the box.
Next, I went at spraying each elephant until I felt they were coated evenly. Then peeled myself away from the project and let them dry. 3 hours later I returned to get the scoop by way of using the excuse of going to the recycling bin.... smart, right? ;p DRY! Whoop!
Again, I set up my area... opening the garage, grabbing an old (smooth textured) towel and the monitor (thank goodness for nap time!). This is when I used the Glidden Dark Brown paint sample:
Where to begin from here? I'd never done this so jumping right it, I covered with a generous amount along the top of it's head and along all the deep creases:
Now is when I took my rag and, in a circular motion, worked the paint into the creases and crevices. It will appear that most comes off... if too much comes off for your liking, reapply.
After going through all three elephants, did a once-over all three to see where I felt more might be needed. Each got almost two coats of brown paint. I LOVE THEM! The only thing I can think of they need is a layer of clear coat to seal in the brown paint. That might be debatable, so for now, I'll leave them happily to dry in my garage. :)
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