Thursday, July 21, 2011

So what's been up with us?

Ya know... we've been busy.

Did a little bed rest, a few visits to the labor & delivery ward at CMC, and ultimately having a baby... just a day in the life.

I'm hopelessly in love with my new little guy. He came into this world perfectly:

Our little story....
....We were induced Friday morning, July 1, at 8:00am after 3 weeks of bed rest and multiple times admitted to the hospital for high blood pressure. I trembled with fear at the prospect of having to deliver Knox under blood pressure medicine (Magnesium Sulfate). It's notorious among those who know of it for it's awful side effects: swollen extremities, cold/tingly feeling, and worst of all, the need to be on it for up-to 24 hours after delivery.  I was on it with Nash. I have awful memories and prayed long and hard that I not have to repeat that experience.  As long as my bp was holding strong, I was promised I could deliver without it. Amazingly enough, I did.

Nurses started petocin to jump-start my contractions (well, in my case, pick up their already-in-existence pace) at 10:00a. I went in 2.5 cm dilated and completely effaced. In 2 hours I went to 6cm and my contractions had begun to be too uncomfortable through my epidural.  After a call to the anesthesiologist for a little bump in pain meds, I jumped to 8.5 cm. 15 mins later I felt unreal pressure and needed to push. After 4 pushes in 20 mins, he arrived!

Knox Jeffery Chambers
1:57pm on July 1, 2011
18" long, 5 lbs, 11oz.

He's been a little angel (gassy, yes) ever since. 

Here's a little taste of his delivery: his birth, visit from big brother, visit from friends, and the ride home....

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