Monday, August 29, 2011


Let me preface my planned video post with this disclaimer:

...Ahhh the SIDS debate. I hear ya, I hear ya. I also know what sleep deprivation feels like and have seen it on a 1 month old.  It's not pretty.

Insert stomach sleeping.

I'm still not sleeping very well for fear of his stomach sleeping, but I know it's what makes him feel better.  Our Pediatric Gastroenterologist indirectly recommended this as the preferred method of sleeping infants with reflux.  (Of course, they cannot ethically recommend this to parents.)  Thankfully, I have a video monitor clear enough to watch him breathe and have recently borrowed a movement monitor that will alarm me if he stops breathing.  I plan to install the movement monitor when we move him upstairs for good. It's honestly for my own piece of mind; which in Mommy-world makes all the difference.

So -- the video -- this is from the morning after he slept on his stomach. The kid hasn't been this happy since that gooey newborn phase the first 2 weeks we were home from the hospital.

Love him (excuse the crappy iphone video):

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, Aiden has always slept on his stomach and is still alive today to tell the tale.
