Monday, February 27, 2012

Boys will be boys... bumps, bruises and missing teeth.

Pregnant with Knox last summer (this was June 2011), we were playing outside. Well... Nash was... I was perched in a lawn chair sweating like mad (or like some say, "a whore in church"). He ran from the garages to me and tripped on his own damn feet landing front teeth first on the concrete driveway. It wasn't until 30 mins later did I realize he'd cracked his front left tooth in half.

**I think I posted on this prior... it was a while ago, though.

Here's the right after -- 
On the left you can see that just a piece is missing. A little Madonna gap? 
Not so much. Missing tooth piece! 
On the right you can see us at the dentist. 
No pediatric dentist was open on the Friday is happened so entertainment was limited. 
Note the latex glove balloon. 

There wasn't a whole lot we could do. After we were given the "okay" at the adult dentist, Monday I took him to a pediatric dentist who told me that, that tooth would eventually die and turn grey. That's when it would have to be pulled. But, other than that, he was fine. 

Fast forward: January 4, 2012 and I pick up Nash from Mother's Day Out and he looks like this: Note the swollen left side of his face around his nostril and cheek. It even distorted his smile. 

I called around and found a pediatric dentist that could see us ASAP. Did I mention that we were leaving the next morning for Miami for Nash to be in a wedding? Missing tooth on a 3 year old? Ohmygoodness.

Sure enough it had to be pulled. It was abscessed. And here he looks now... toothless wonder until they grow back in around 6-8 years old. :)

Here's Nash's recap on his tooth I took this morning. Doesn't really coincide with my rundown above. Figures. :)

Nash Has his Adenoids Removed

January 24, 2012

Nash has his adenoids removed by Dr. Mehendale in Frisco. By far one of my best "Mommy-moves" yet.

His second year of life was riddled with snotties, runny noses, stuffy noses and sneezing and often unrelated to a cold or illness. We'd tried a run of nose sprays, OTCs and the like; nothing seemed to work. Whenever he'd get sick, the first thing that would drive him nuts was something related to his nose. We just couldn't figure it out.

After we returned from Miami and Disney, he was very sick with a virus. But, oddly enough his main symptoms revolved around his nasal passages. I had a gut feeling something was up, but not having my medical degree limits me on what is mommy worrying and what is an actual something I need to be concerned about. Oh that mommy gut. It is always right!!

My godson has had tubes put in by this doctor and my OBGYN (the one who delivered my boys) had her children's tubes and tonsils removed by the very doc I decided to go with for Nash's needs. He is simply amazing.

Anyway, I took Nash in for an eval on a Tuesday and, 1 week exactly to the day, we scheduled his surgery.
A little background on the symptoms and the whys of an adenoidectomy (at least in our scenario): Nash was consistently congested and/or runny, he snored at night regardless of whether or not he was dealing with some sort of cold and I'd caught him a few times having a sleep apnea "moment". Clear cut need for an adenoidectomy.  In fact, we were told that his adenoids were 3x the size expected for a child of 3 years of age. Yikes!

Here's a few of our hospital pictures followed by a short clip of him right after he got his "funny juice". Watch his facial expression toward the end. You can tell he has trouble focusing on anything. Sorta funny.

I'm happy and thankful to say that since the surgery he's sleeping 1000x better. His snoring is gone and so are the bags under his eyes from poor sleep.

Well worth the worry. Well worth the time and money.
Thanks Dr. Mehendale!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sometimes you just need to be reminded.

It's been a trying day with the boys. After taking them to look at 3 houses, AFTER I had to wake them up from their naps to make it to the first appointment on time, they were melting down. Or maybe it was me?

Nash had the living room a wreck. Knox was going from whine, to cry, to laugh, to complaining and it was on repeat. Dinner was on the stove. Nash was repeating "I want salsa!... I want salsa!... I want salsa!"

In one sweep, Nash went from a tolerable temperament to being punished. If you're not a spanker, don't judge me here. We are - when necessary. He was in complete meltdown over salsa. You read that right -
S-A-L-S-A. A huge indication that they were ready for bed - STAT.
I started with time out. No go. We went to taking away his want to make salsa and then we went to spanking once it all failed. Cue Knox's crying over being exhausted, drooling from his teeth, snotty from the allergies. Add trying to juggle all of that and Ty and I making dinner. I'm grateful he was here as an extra hand. So thankful.

Why I'm taking time to post tonight is because I know I'm not the only Mom who can come crashing down like a deck of cards after a crazy day. I know I'm not the only Mom who can feel guilty for just wanting the crying to stop, the whining to stop, the screaming to just stop. Every, single, time I think this my eyes well up with tears because of guilt.  You need to know you aren't alone in this. But, that it will pass... pass onto bigger kids with bigger meltdowns. Ahh... mommy-hood :)

I canNOT imagine my life without my boys. They are my life. My family is my life. And so the guilt.

Here's the crazy part of this day and why I felt like someone was trying to remind me of something:
While we were in the midst of all this chaos, Ty put his ipod on the dock and fired up the music. Something had to soothe to mood, right? A little soothing country music maybe? After hurrying through dinner we then scurried upstairs to tag-team bath and bed. Ty took Knox and I took Nash (which means I was finished with the bedtime routine first). While Ty rocked sweet Knox to sleep, I gathered two loads of wash and dragged it downstairs.

I dropped the basket in a moment of shock.

This song by Trace Adkins was playing in the background and I panned the room:

She was staring out that window, of that SUV
Complaining, saying I can't wait to turn 18
She said I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules
Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said I was just like you

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her It's a nice place
She says It'll do for now
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says Baby just slow down

'Cause You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
She keeps apologizin'
He says they don't bother me
I've got 2 babies of my own
One's 36, one's 23
Huh, it's hard to believe

But you're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
You're gonna miss this
Yeah, you're gonna miss this

I walked to the kitchen counter, placed my hands on the cold granite to brace myself and stared into the distance. Why was THIS song playing when I was at my breaking point. Tears. There's that guilt again.

I glanced to the laundry hamper overflowing, the kiddie kitchen mess that I told Nash he HAD to clean up (and he didn't) and the kitchen table chair sprinkled with bits of ground beef and broccoli. sssssssiiiiigggh.

Last week my girlfriend posted as her status update the chorus from the song above and nothing else. I KNOW she feels this. I want to remember all these moments. Every single booger. Every single tiny hangnail, splinter, messed up hair, dirty finger nails. I WANT to remember, the messes, the tears, the on-repeat "Mommys" from Nash. I just want to be more patient about them. Maybe that should've been my lenten choice? Was God speaking to me today? Did I miss something at mass this morning?

Let me mention that I am grateful every day for each of my boys. I lost a baby long before Nash and Knox came along. Their lives are a treasure.

I'm working to find the beauty in it all. But I wanted to share that I am real... I am a Mommy... and I am working every day to be better, more patient, more accepting of the imperfections and more treasuring of the tiny moments; both in meltdown and in laughter.

If you've been there, I hope you find some comfort in this post.
Cheers to a bright Monday full of tears, meltdowns, laughter, and more :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

As I promised:

I did. I promised I'd post. I didn't, however, see a random curve ball post coming. This is what I LOVE about photography. I keep my camera living in my kitchen by the telephone. Design savvy? Not so much. Practical for a photog-Mommy? Yes. I can NEVER get to my camera fast enough, especially if it were tucked safely in it's padded case in the cabinet.

Well. Today, that's where it was and I ran with all my might to get it in time to capture my boys rollin' around on the floor while we made dinner. For me, it's those lazy... every day... nothing special moments that are -- in fact -- special to a Mommy. It was put away from our Miami trip and from the house being on the market.

First, let me preface by telling you that Knox is majorly working on pulling himself up. So, the fact he found Nash's "time out chair" nearby wasn't a surprise... neither was Nash's jealousy toward Mommy's "camera attention" toward Knox:

Needless to say my lens has some Nashy-love that took some elbow grease to remove. I'll take it <3

Here's what was happening prior to that:

I just love this. It's a great depiction of how they usually are together: lazy, comfortable, happy and content. 

 Can you just imagine what it's going to be like when he is actually crawling? 
Nash didn't crawl... what. am. I. going. to. do.

 So, this is Knox's new "face". He does it just about the entire day. I know it will stop and am so thrilled I snapped quick enough to get it on film. It's gonna be a keeper ;p

 He's so proud. 

It was a lovely Saturday here at Casa Chambers. I will continue to commit to my blog and work on incorporating some of my "to dos" around here. Tomorrow is mass and house hunting. Bring it! Until then... I'm going to enjoy to gin and tonic and my Mommy-tv.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tisk...tisk...tisk.. and all that.

Do you all see this?

Yup. That is the last time I blogged about my sweet family. Horrible. Awful. Been such a crazy 2 months. I have so many sweet pictures of them I want to share. I'll work on compiling them this weekend. I want to spare you a string of iphone images and group them together, make them smaller, and brighter so you can enjoy.

Give me some time...

But for now, here's what we've been up to: our home is on the market. So stressful. We are moving to gain some more play space for the boys. We have ZERO yard space and T-H-R-E-E boys who just want to climb, swing, and run. We listed it before Christmas to get a feel for the traffic and took it off for a month to ride out the wave of Santa and a trip to the Sunshine state for my cousin's wedding and a visit with Mickey (more on that later). Now, we've got it re-listed and we wait.... it's showing often (which is good), but hard on me with the kids to up and leave the house completely "show ready" within an hour. I mean... if it were THAT easy it'd be clean like that all the time, right? ;p

The spring awaits... Nash is in Mother's Day Out and loving it. Knox is scooting like crazy and keeping me on my toes.  Nash never crawled, so this is my first experience with a crawler. I'm thinking it might've been easier for Nash to be the crawler and not Knox?! Just sayin'.

I'm finally getting some momentum back: starting to fit into my pre-Knox clothes, starting to find that "swing" in my day. I'm hoping for that point where I can get back to running and exercising. I just hate the look of my treadmill and so does Knox:

"Mommy, get your butt up and run on that hideous piece of furniture!"

In other news: Nash had an adenoidectomy at the end of January right after his birthday. That went good. I'll do a post on that. I must share... I learned of it from a friend. Ah, the Mommy-network. It's so important. 

What else?
-Nash lost a tooth
-Nash got a trampoline and a "meehawk"
-the boys met Mickey Mouse
-Knox got his first two teeth
-Nash turns 3
-Knox has old man butt and just falls in love with his reflection
-Mommy goes to Vegas
-I get to spend the evening with my godson
-Nash finds his inner-super hero

All of this... I promise, with pictures to illustrate, as the weekend progresses.
Much love!