Monday, February 27, 2012

Boys will be boys... bumps, bruises and missing teeth.

Pregnant with Knox last summer (this was June 2011), we were playing outside. Well... Nash was... I was perched in a lawn chair sweating like mad (or like some say, "a whore in church"). He ran from the garages to me and tripped on his own damn feet landing front teeth first on the concrete driveway. It wasn't until 30 mins later did I realize he'd cracked his front left tooth in half.

**I think I posted on this prior... it was a while ago, though.

Here's the right after -- 
On the left you can see that just a piece is missing. A little Madonna gap? 
Not so much. Missing tooth piece! 
On the right you can see us at the dentist. 
No pediatric dentist was open on the Friday is happened so entertainment was limited. 
Note the latex glove balloon. 

There wasn't a whole lot we could do. After we were given the "okay" at the adult dentist, Monday I took him to a pediatric dentist who told me that, that tooth would eventually die and turn grey. That's when it would have to be pulled. But, other than that, he was fine. 

Fast forward: January 4, 2012 and I pick up Nash from Mother's Day Out and he looks like this: Note the swollen left side of his face around his nostril and cheek. It even distorted his smile. 

I called around and found a pediatric dentist that could see us ASAP. Did I mention that we were leaving the next morning for Miami for Nash to be in a wedding? Missing tooth on a 3 year old? Ohmygoodness.

Sure enough it had to be pulled. It was abscessed. And here he looks now... toothless wonder until they grow back in around 6-8 years old. :)

Here's Nash's recap on his tooth I took this morning. Doesn't really coincide with my rundown above. Figures. :)

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