Monday, March 12, 2012

Gag be-gone!

A little background here: Knox has been gagging at everything. It's so frustrating because he's ready for table food: grabbing the spoon, grabbing your plate, watching you eat, etc.

This is how I feel about the situation:

I started him on some Gerber Puffs. Gag.
Stage 3 foods? Gag.
Mum Mum? Gag bigger.... in fact, welcome back up everything he's already eaten for the day. Ew.
The list goes on and on.

Fast forward to Friday afternoon. I pulled Knox's highchair over to the kitchen so his separation anxiety would lessen from me and I'd be 4 ft. from him so I could be allowed to wash dishes sans hysterical screaming.

Enter the 3 year old big brother. I go back to my chores, answer the phone, turn around and Knox has a blue chin:

What. the. hell. I'm perplexed.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaahhhhh. I gave Nash a handful of M&Ms. (tap tap tap on the forehead. duh.) And evidently he thought Knox needed to give some a whirl. I can only imagine: "here monkey... have one. der yummy!" After my moment of "ut oh" I stopped long enough to realize he was actually chewing and not gagging. Woooooo Whooooo!!!! Who would've thought Nash was such a good problem solver at 3? I mean, half the time he kid has his finger up his nose. (Well, I guess that's problem solving, huh?)

Ok, true test. M&M again? No gag. How about some peanut butter on a spoon??? (All the while in my head I'm certain he'll gag.) 
Um. No. 

No gagging, but by far VERY interesting, this oddly sticky, tan-colored yummy stuff:

These next few photos crack me up. It was like a switch went off and he couldn't get enough. I just love watching him feel, touch, explore with his fingers. Hilarious that as an adult we would never dig in like this. 

He was so happy and proud of himself. All I can say is....
"Thank you, Nash. Thank you, Boogs. YOU figured out the magical key to unlock the non-gag."


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