Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pottery Barn wanna-be bed - Almost Done.

So, having a few quiet hours to myself Saturday morning, I gathered up my coffee and my ratty clothes and ventured outside determined to make leeway on Nash's bed. What a perfect day to paint outside!! It was great. I had 2 solid hours to hit it hard. Fortunately, the wood putty wasn't too hard to sand. I went ahead and busted out the belt sander it help make the seem between the wood of the bed and the putty nice and smooth. I'm so pumped how it turned out:

Here's the biggest gash recovered from years of neglect:

Happy with my progress, I gave the pieces some time to dry and cure in the warm sun. They spent this morning out too. Still a little tacky, I don't think I'll revisit them until Tuesday-naptime. After a once over, I noticed a few blemishes as a result of my rusty paint ability. So, I lightly sanded them down and will wipe the whole bed clean for coat number 3 on Tuesday. After which, all the pieces will get a spray paint, clear, satin coating to help ward against 2.5 year old wear and tear. Here's what they look like painted:

Final look once it's assembled and made... in a few weeks, I'm sure :)

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