Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wait! yes, I am doing multiple projects at once. Crazy? no. Happy? yes.

I've had a twin bed in the garage for a month. It's lived next to the bench who lives upstairs now. See it here. So, now it's lonely and needs some TLC. I'm working on giving it a Pottery Barn kids feel like this:

I decided, in a moment of crazy pregnant-ness, to start standing it. Step 1. So, with Nash (a.k.a. my little helper) in tow, we gathered ourselves, our sunscreen, and our M&Ms and headed out to the garage:

Let's be honest... he was little help, but he was too cute to not snap a few shots while we were enjoying the weather. That middle pic was my "panic pic" as from looking up from sanding, I couldn't find him.  That's him "helping". Big help, huh?

My first step in my bed re-do was to sand it all over and add wood putty to the huge gouges it had along some of the corners. 

this is with wood putty:

this is a pre-sanding pic of one of the rails:

I can honestly say I'm not eager to move Nash into a big bed, but it needs to be refinished and be ready for when I am. Since expecting to be productive after the baby arrives is merely a laughing matter, I figure knocking it out now and putting it in storage is the best idea. And so this weekend I forge forth with my projects, interjecting small steps in bringing them to greatness as my weekend progresses. 

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